Demonstrated hands-on knowledge in visualisation, business intelligence, and programming tools, including Excel, SQL, and Power BI.
Visit My Linkedin page here.

Things I Can Do

  • Data Analysis
  • Data Visualisation
  • Reporting and Documentation
  • Data Mining and Exploration
  • Business Analysis
  • Write SQL & Python

My Data Projects

My Projects, inculding data cleaning and transformation.

Nigeria 2017 Crime Statistics.

I obtained Nigeria's Raw Crime Statistics from 2017 and i performed data cleaning and exploration using Power BI Query.I performed analysis on this dataset, derived insights and generated an interactive dashboard using Microsoft Power BI.

Boxer Data Analysis

For this project,I used Microsoft SQL Server to explore and perform analysis on a boxer dataset from Kaggle.

Sales Data Analysis

For this project, I performed analysis on Sales Datasets, I used Microsoft SQL Server to explore and perform analysis designed an interactive Dashboard using Power BI desktop .